Friday, April 30, 2010

time out, take two

so my dear hubby let me go to "time out for women" again! he even took all three kids to their soccer game and basketball game all by himself! let's give him a pat on the back. i got to go to pittsburgh last weekend with many good friends. there were several inspirational speakers and musical artists. i laughed, i cried, i ate lots of yummy girl food, went to ikea, and i came home renewed. this trip was just what the doctor ordered! here is a picture of tara and i with one of my favorite christian singer/songwriter's...hillary weeks. {tara and i both hate this picture of ourselves...oh well}. you get what you get, and don't throw a fit is what G would say to me.
here are some youtube videos of her songs. enjoy:




Tiffany said...

Soooo jealous you got to go and have such a fun girls trip. I've always wanted to go, but it has never worked out. Thrilled that you got a little breather! xo

Shey said...

How fun that you got to go to Time out for Women! I love Hilary Weeks. She has some awesome stuff! You're as beautiful as ever!

Kim said...

You are absolutely beautiful and have a darling blog. I love checking in from time to time.


Jacquie said...

That is a beautiful song. Thanks for sharing. I love your post on Mothers...I needed to see that.