Monday, September 12, 2011

Downtown Stuttgart

When my mom was here we were able to visit downtown Stuttgart. It's a beautiful town center and the Germans love their festivals. There was an "onion" festival going on while we were there. We enjoyed the fountains in the center. Many of the children just played right in the middle of them {without getting into trouble!} My kids wanted to play too, but mean old mom didn't want to deal with wet kids all day. I'm still a modest American too! The Germans just strip their kids down to nothing - yep, total nakey - and let them play. Let's just say we've had more conversations about the human anatomy than I've ever had with the kidlets. We also enjoyed some eis {ice cream}, crepes with Nutella and strawberries {my personal fav}, and playing on this giant rocking horse in the middle of all the outside shops. There are two H&M's at this place. One is dedicated just to kids! You know where I'm going for clothes! This day we also went to Waden Buch where Ritter Sport has a chocolate factory. We picked up several new chocolate bars to try {and we loved each and every one of them!}


Jenny G said...

Love all these posts. You are living on vacation! I want a family picture by that cool door with the greens growing up it please. Oh, and I want to put Lucy in a basket with a cute hat for a pic. Can you even imagine how many pictures you're going to take the next few years. BEAUTIFUL!

Carma Lee said...

Thanks for sharing the photos! We can hardly wait to see you all and for real - "Germany"!

